Ram Head
Ram Head is a prominent point on St. John that was named for it's resemblance to a ram from the side. I'm not sure I see it, but it's a cool name. The point is found on the southern shore of St. John and there's a really nice trail that takes you all the way to the top. Starting from Salt Pond beach you'll find the trail head on the southern end (left) of the beach. This will take you through the brush and down to Blue Cobblestone beach, which you'll walk along a short ways until the trail picks back up and heads up the hill. It's a short, but tiring climb and be sure to lookout for all the cacti that dot the ground next to the trail. Wouldn't want to step on one of those!
The top of Ram Head offers spectacular views of the vastness of the Carribean Sea. On clear days you can see St. Croix on the horizon some 40 miles away. Looking to the north you can see the ridgelines of St. John's mountains. Off to the west you'll see several bays including the Lameshur bays, Reef Bay, and Grootpan Bay. To the east you can see the east end of St. John where Hansen Bay is and even further on towards some of the British Virgin Islands. Ram Head truely is an incredible lookout where you can appreciate the beauty of this wonderful area of the world.

More Information
How to Get There
- Hike