Neptune's Lookout

North Shore, St. Thomas

Neptune's Lookout feels like it's where King neptune himself would've stood to survey his ocean domain since it has incredible views of the north shore of St. John, to the outerlying BVIs, and beyond. Neptune's Lookout is located up the hill from Cruz Bay down centerline road in the area called Susannaberg at a restaurant called the Windmill Bar. The Windmill Bar gets it's name from the ruins of a colonial period windmill that sits atop the hill. With the restaurant being here at the lookout you can enjoy a drink or food while wondering at the sights below.

The lookout has incredible views of a number of different beaches, land areas, and other islands. You can see some of the beaches of Hawksnest Bay including Hawksnest and Caneel Hawksnest. In the close distance you can see the island of Lovango where there is a beach and a private island resort. Further in the distance you'll see other islands like the east end of St. Thomas, Jost Van Dyke, and the Tobago Islands of the BVIs.

More Information

Fee required: Yes
Beach Busy: Yes


  • Food / Bar
  • Bathrooms
  • Parking

How to Get There

  • Drive